Gaming Community


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Join our Community

"Welcome to The Born Again Gamer! Our ​community is all about being welcoming, fun, ​chill, and caring. We’re passionate about ​gaming and Jesus, and we’re excited to have ​you join us.

  • Engage with Us: Join our live streams for ​fun and meaningful interactions. ​Participate in our engaging events and get ​to know other members of our community.

  • Join Our Discord: Our Discord server is a ​hub of activity throughout the week. ​Whether you want to chat about games, ​music, food, or scripture, share prayer ​requests, or report praise, you’ll find a ​place here.

  • Sign Up for Events: Don’t miss out on our ​in-person events! Sign Up to stay updated ​and get involved.
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Partner and Collab

At The Born Again Gamer, we believe in the power of ​collaboration to create meaningful impact. We’re looking ​for like-minded community organizations, streamers, and ​companies to partner with us.

Opportunities for Collaboration:

  • Community Organizations: Work with us to create ​events and initiatives that benefit both our ​communities.
  • Streamers: Co-host events, create content together, ​and reach wider audiences.
  • Companies: Partner with us for sponsorships, joint ​projects, and community outreach.

Get in Touch: Interested in partnering with us? Contact Us ​to explore opportunities for collaboration.

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Support Our Ministry

The Born Again Gamer is committed to making a positive impact in the gaming ​community through our ministry. Your donations help us fund a full-time ministry, pay ​employees, and support our events and necessary equipment.

  • Community Support: Learn about the difference we’re making through the stories of ​our community members.
  • Funded Events: Your contributions help us host engaging and meaningful events.
  • Essential Equipment: Donations ensure we have the tools we need to continue our ​mission.

We appreciate our donors and supporters. As a token of our gratitude, we offer ​mentions on our website and exclusive newsletters.

  • Donate Now: Support Our Mission and help us continue our work.
  • Exclusive Newsletters: Sign up for our exclusive newsletters to stay updated on our ​impact and future plans.

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